Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Major: EU Law and Litigation
Language of instruction: English
Degree (BA, MA, PhD. etc): postgraduate (Lawyer in EU Law and Litigation) - The degree of «Lawyer in EU Law and Litigation is entitled to wear the title of ‘Legum Magister’ or ‘Master of Laws’ (LL. M).
Name of institution: Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Address: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 28.
Phone: (+36-1) 429 7224
Fax: not available
Web: http://https://jak.ppke.hu/deak-ferenc-intezet
Contact person: Mr. Havasmezőy Gergely
Phone: (+36-1) 429 7200/338
Fax: not available
E-mail: havasmezoi.gergely@jak.ppke.hu
Type and name of degree:
Lawyer in EU Law and Litigation
Duration of studies:
2 semesters (2017 September-2018 june)
Application deadline:
15th July 2017
Admission requirements:
MA diploma in Law/ or Law diploma taken on ungraded course; and high level of English knowledge
Entrance examination:
there is no entrance examination
Fees (application, tuition, others):
360 000,-HUF (2 x 180 000,-HUF/semester)
Library facilities:
library is available free of charge
Computer facilities:
computer facilities are available free of charge
Sport activities:
different sport activities are available
not available
planned number of students: 30 persons
Preparatory Courses:
there are no such courses